
  • Stress

    It's expected that times of stress come and go in life. We help patients dealing with all sorts of major stressors, from recent life transitions to unexpected changes.

  • PTSD

    When something traumatic has happened, and continues to cause symptoms in every day life, we are here to help.

  • Generational Trauma & Attachment

    We are passionate about breaking cycles. Whether that be through learning about family patterns, attachment styles, or epigenetics, we are here to help you on your journey.

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What is Trauma?

Trauma is a strong emotional reaction to a perceived threat. This could include a terrible event, such as an accident, assault, or natural disaster. Learn more

Signs and Symptoms of Trauma

Everyone reacts differently to scary life events, but some initial signs of trauma include shock and denial. Later reactions include emotional dysregulation, physical symptoms, flashbacks, avoidance, and disruption in relationships.

Causes of PTSD

Many types of events can trigger a trauma response, and even PTSD. These include accidents, natural disasters, racism, bullying, assault, abuse, neglect, loss, health problems, experiencing violence, fearing for safety, witnessing trauma for others, and more.

How We Treat Trauma

We take a slow, person-focused approach. It is up to the patient what they feel comfortable talking about, and when. We will never push you to discuss something you are not ready to.

Typical Outcomes

Trauma is personal, and there is no “one size fits all” model when it comes to treating the most challenging parts of life. Outcomes depend on the extent of the trauma, and the patient’s readiness to confront their symptoms.

Trauma Therapy Modalities

Typical modalities used to treat trauma include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Biofeedback, Trauma-focused CBT, individual and group therapy, Mindfulness/ Meditation, Exposure Therapy, and more.