Treatment for Disordered Eating

Specialties and Approaches

  • Health at Every Size

    Health at Every Size

    We treat disordered eating, body image, and self esteem concerns using Intuitive eating, body neutrality, Health at Every Size, and Size Inclusive Health models.

    We are weight-inclusive and body-accepting, which means we accept you, in your body, as it is today, and believe that health is available at every size. HAES® is an evidenced-based, size-affirmative, weight-neutral approach to health and acceptance for all.

  • Disordered Eating

    Intuitive Eating

    We treat a range of disordered eating with a compassionate and empathetic approach. Principles of intuitive eating have been shown to dramatically change a patient’s relationship with body image, eating, and nutrition.

  • self confidence

    Self Confidence & Body Image

    Your relationship with your body is important, and self esteem and confidence require a delicate balance. We specialize in working on self compassion and body neutrality, knowing that no two journeys are the same. Contact us to start your journey today!

What is Disordered Eating?

Disordered eating is a range of eating, feeding, and body image concerns. It can span from a general sense of worry and pressure, to severe and persistent disturbance in eating behaviors and distressing thoughts and emotions.

Signs and Symptoms of Disordered Eating

Disordered eating may include restrictive, compulsive, irregular, or inflexible eating. It can also be associated with a lack of self esteem, and/or preoccupation with one’s body, shape, or weight.

Causes of Disordered Eating

Many patients struggle with perfectionism and dissatisfaction with their bodies. Societal pressure and a desire to look a certain way can be challenging. Eating disorders are often associated with underlying causes, such as substance use, low self esteem, trauma history, and other mental health concerns.

How we Treat Disordered Eating

We use Intuitive Eating, which focuses on the body’s natural response to hunger and satisfaction. The goal is to make peace with all food, and reject a diet mentality. Our treatment is focused in body neutrality, Size Inclusive Health, and Health at Every Size .

Typical Outcomes

We treat a wide range of body image and disordered eating concerns. Some can be treated relatively quickly and simply, while severe eating disorders often require working with a professional team, including a nutritionist, PCP, therapist, medication management, etc.

Disordered Eating vs. Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders are categorized by the Diagnostic Statistical Manual, and include anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, ARFID, pica, and more. We not only treat these disorders, but also general eating and body image concerns.